How are you supposed to make any strategic decisions when your cash flow might as well be a dice throw?

It’s maddening. But here’s the surprising truth: marketing is always a bit of a gamble. It depends on selling your product or service to human beings, who are always unpredictable.
You’ll never eliminate that factor, no matter how closely you follow the latest trends (hopped on that ChatGPT bandwagon yet?) or use the latest Facebook ad “hacks.”

If it’s all chance, does that mean there isn’t a consistent way to guarantee long-term success?

The answer is no.
Profitable, scaling businesses win the marketing game by stacking the odds in their favour. While any ONE marketing initiative may or may not work, those businesses aren’t relying on one initiative. They’ve got one funnel to build an email list, another to sell a low-ticket product, another to get their name out there, AND they’re constantly making offers to their growing list.

In short, they’re diversifying their risk. And that’s the only way to win the marketing game.

But you don’t need to be Tony Robbins or have thousands of disposable dollars to start playing the game the right way. When you attend The Unified Theory of the Marketing-verse Virtual Workshop, you’ll gain the strategies behind that risk mitigation, why they work for the big guys, and how they can work for you, too.

In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll explore five universal marketing truths.

These truths will help you produce marketing that has a higher chance of success, creates consistent growth, and can be easily analyzed.
This workshop is designed so that you can compare what you are currently doing to what the masters are doing, so that you can walk away with a plan of action that will revolutionize how you market in 2023.

We’ll present case studies of these truths in action and how they’ve helped 8x our client’s businesses, and you’ll be able to ask questions about how to implement these same strategies in your business immediately.

Live June 1st, 2023
1:00 pm MST • 12:00 pm PST • 3:00 pm EST
1.5 hour Virtual Workshop


WARNING: this is a long-term play for business owners who are fully committed to their business’ and life’s long-term success.

These strategies work for anyone who gets started NOW. The marketing machine you will learn to create at this virtual workshop is the difference between continuing to spin your wheels and having the wheel spin in your favour.

Ready to get started?




Alexander is the co-founder of Measurable Genius, a seven-figure services agency that works with clients worldwide. An unparalleled problem-solver, he is just as at home discussing the inner workings of business as he is studying human behaviour. This unique combination has allowed him to observe the marketing principles that stand the test of time – and those that don’t.

The Right Choice

Learn how to keep your marketing fresh, purposeful, and most of all, engaging to your audience. Click the button below to access this exclusive presentation and take your marketing to a new level.

Attend Live. Click the button below to register.

Live June 1st, 2023
1:00 pm MST • 12:00 pm PST • 3:00 pm EST
1.5 hour Virtual Workshop
