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Hear from some of the geniuses that make Measurable Genius great.These arestories straight from the trenches that you can learn from to grow your own business.
You haven’t emailed your email list in while – can you still contact them?
Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL) is one of the toughest anti-spam laws in the world and has kept email marketers on their toes since its introduction in 2014.
To uphold the CASL regulations, promotional emails must contain the identification of the sender and a valid unsubscribe link.

Mindset and Principles

Strategy and Command






Mindset and Principles
The Value of Incremental Change
The art of building a business is actually a discipline. Everything in life emerges out of habit, emerges out of practice, persistence, and repeated actions taken consistently over time.
How do I Grow my Business
Clarity of vision and mission in terms of why you started that business in the first place. If you can’t articulate succinctly your mission, then it’s likely you don’t know where you are going with your business.
Over-specialization is Dying
One of the biggest challenges facing business owners of today is that there is a requirement for you to engage in the marketplace using various platforms that are changing rapidly.

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Your Digital Persona
If you don’t have a digital persona it will be approximated for you. Not playing the game disconnects you from society and social integration.
The Value of Incremental Change
Mindset and Principles
The art of building a business is actually a discipline. Everything in life emerges out of habit, emerges out of practice, persistence…
Rule Your Technology
A business owner who abdicates his relationship to his technology is ultimately going to end in a position where…
The Discovery
In the IT world, there is a common concept known as the Network Audit which typically does a great job of assisting…
The Mission Matters More Than You
Mindset and Principles
Measurable Genius’ mission is to build congruent systems to enable individuals to do what they love…
Empower Your Employees
Strategy and Command
Employees are vital to the growth of any company and they also tend to be one of the largest cost centers.
Unveiling the Future of Offer Testing: Discover How AI Can Supercharge Your Success!
Discover the future of offer testing in this game-changing video! Join us for a quick dive into Artificial Intelligence and how it’s revolutionizing how businesses optimize their marketing strategies and test offers.